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evans county animal shelter

The Atlanta Humane Society strives to improve the health and well-being of animals across the Southeast through leadership, direct services, and partnerships.

Our Statewide Outreach Team plays a key role in impacting lives across Georgia. Through educational and capital support, this team is able to guide and assist other animal welfare organizations that strive to do more for animals. Animal welfare organizations across the state are also able to apply for funding that is administered by this team and designated to capital campaign improvements on behalf of a grant funder.

When we first connected with Evans County Animal Shelter in Claxton, Ga., it was clear that they had a strong need for assistance. Despite their passion and desire to help more animals, their lack of funding prevented them from doing so. The building where they housed dogs was built entirely of wood, which was rapidly deteriorating due to age and a swarm of carpenter bees that had moved in. The fencing was rusting and broken in areas, allowing dogs to escape, and the kennels were dark and small. Despite their best efforts, the staff at Evans County Animal Shelter struggled to provide dogs with the level of care that they wanted to offer.

But through the capital improvement grant, Evans County Animal Shelter was able to erect a new housing structure for dogs. Its larger size, sturdy construction, wash station, and cleanliness will significantly improve the lives of dogs in the shelter. Our team at Atlanta Humane is so proud to have been a part of making this possible.

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